Alex-Paras NeedleArts

Mini-Socks w/Sculpted Dolls by Kathy Schenkel Designs

Cute Mini-Socks that come with a soft sculpted critter to put inside.

Teacher Mini Sock w/ Apple "Doll"
Teacher Mini Sock w/ Apple "Doll"
Making Boy Toys Mini Sock
Making Boy Toys Mini Sock
(includes Santa doll)
Birdhouses Mini Sock
Birdhouses Mini Sock
(includes kitty doll)
Teddy Bear Mini Sock
Teddy Bear Mini Sock
(includes bear doll)
Seal Mini Sock
Seal Mini Sock
(includes seal doll)

Alex-Paras NeedleArts  © 2008-2024 Thistle Needleworks, Inc.  All rights reserved.